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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

August 31, 2011

OFAH commitment to maintaining your privacy and security

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. This Privacy Statement explains our web information management practices. The OFAH adheres to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada).

We do not collect your personal information when you visit our websites unless you choose to use and receive online services and products that require it. We collect only that information which is needed to complete the service or transaction. For transactions involving credit cards, we use up-to-date security protocols to ensure integrity and confidentiality.


Alternatives to the Internet

If you choose not to use the Internet to provide personal information to the OFAH, you may contact us by telephone, fax, mail, or visit us in person at our OFAH Ontario Conservation Centre located in Peterborough, Ontario during business hours. Not all options may be available in every situation.



Some OFAH websites use cookies. Cookies make it more convenient for users to move around our websites, and are needed where there is a login requirement (for instance in the Membership section). Cookies can also be used to make the process more convenient by ‘remembering’ your password. These types of cookies need to be stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies used by the OFAH are encrypted to make the information in cookies unreadable to anyone except the OFAH.


Web Analytics

In order to serve you better, we use the Google web analytics service. Analytic reports help us to improve our service and improve our websites. These tools use cookies to collect and generate information about your visits to our sites (including your IP address) that is transmitted to their servers in an anonymous form. Neither the analytics service provider nor the OFAH is able to identify individuals through these tools. You can choose to opt-out of Google analytics activity by utilizing a free Google Analytics opt out add-on which blocks Google analytics cookies through your browser setting.


External Links

Some OFAH websites provide links to sites created and maintained by other organizations. When you link to an outside (external) website, the OFAH privacy policy no longer applies. You use these sites at your own risk.

The following is an optional link that takes the user to a more indepth privacy statement

Detailed Privacy Statement


Personal Information Online

Certain actions involve providing the OFAH with personal information such as your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card number. These actions may include but are not limited to:

  • submitting an email, comment, question or request
  • conducting e-commerce transactions, (i.e. joining or renewing your OFAH membership, submitting a donation, purchasing lottery tickets)
  • subscribing for online information (i.e. enews)
  • requesting a service or product
  • filling out a registration form (i.e. Get Outdoors camps, WOW Weekend)
  • providing feedback (comments), or completing online surveys

When you use our website, any personal information that you provide will be used to respond to your message and/or provide you with the requested service or product. Only the personal information that is necessary is collected. At the time the information is collected, you will be informed of the specific purpose for which it is being collected.



We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Except for camp registration purposes, we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from or about children under the age of 13 years, nor do we do publish information online regarding children. If we have unknowingly been provided with and published information about a child, we ask that the child’s parent or guardian call 705-748-6324 or email ofah@ofah.org so that we may delete the identifying information from our files.


How do we use cookies?

A cookie is a small text file sent from a Web server and placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies are generally used to enhance your browsing experience. You can choose to set your browser to detect and reject cookies, to accept cookies from all sites, or to prompt you whenever a site wants to send you a cookie. Check your browser’s “Help” files to learn how to do this. If you choose to refuse cookies, you may not be able to access some of the interactive features on our websites.

Cookies do not give us access to anything on your hard drive and cannot do anything to your computer. Cookies used by the OFAH are encrypted for security purposes to make the information in the cookie unreadable to anyone except us. The OFAH may use two types of cookies: session cookies (temporary) and persistent cookies (longer-term continuing use).

Session cookies may be used to support on-line feedback such as comments and forums; forms and registration, and ‘e-commerce/shopping cart’ transactions. Session cookies are used only during your online session and expire when you close your browser. You can move around our website without allowing cookies, but it may slow down the process.

Persistent cookies may be stored on your computer’s hard drive for some length of time. They are usually used if you want us to remember information about your passwords for automatic log-in purposes or your web preferences, such as large font.



The OFAH’s security practices are continually evolving to ensure that the integrity and confidentiality of our information and systems are maintained. We use up-to-date security safeguards to protect our network and websites from misuse, alteration, copying, disclosure, destruction, monitoring or unauthorized sharing of information and damage. The OFAH’s safeguards include the use of security software and encryption protocols and involve physical, technical and procedural controls to protect information behind the OFAH firewall.


What steps can I take to protect my online activities?

Users are encouraged to learn about protecting their own computers to ensure that their online activities remain private.

How can I access and correct my personal information?

Some OFAH online services provide the ability for Internet users to correct their own information online. You are also entitled to view and request corrections to incomplete or inaccurate personal information that the OFAH has collected about you.

Who can I contact for further information?

Questions or comments regarding OFAH practices or OFAH administration of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) may be directed to the Manager of Information Technology by e-mailing ofah@ofah.org, calling 705-748-6324, or writing to:

Manager of Information Technology
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
PO Box 2800
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8L5

For additional information about the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada), you may wish to contact:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Place de Ville, Tower B, 3rd Floor 112 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 1H3
Toll-free: 1 (800) 282-1376

Contact us